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To Celebrate After Midnight's Release, Here's a New Clip!

To Celebrate After Midnight's Release, Here's a New Clip!

Jeremy Gardner’s latest After Midnight is a fantastic film that mixes horror and romance in the best way. This has become an early contender for one of my favorites of 2020. In my review, I called it his “most accomplished work, yet.” It’s funny and heartfelt with some fantastic special effects.

To celebrate, I have a new clip that showcases Henry Zebrowski’s hilarious performance as Wade. Give it a watch below:

Also, as a bonus, Mary Beth McAndrews and I chatted with actress Brea Grant about her performance in this film for our podcast Scarred for Life. It’s a great conversation that stays away from spoilers but provides some interesting context. Give it a listen.

[Panic Fest 2020 Review] Scare Package Celebrates and Playfully Roasts Our Favorite Genre

[Panic Fest 2020 Review] Scare Package Celebrates and Playfully Roasts Our Favorite Genre

[AYAOTD? Recap with Erin Callahan] Episode 2.12 "The Tale of the Hatchling"

[AYAOTD? Recap with Erin Callahan] Episode 2.12 "The Tale of the Hatchling"