Werewolf is a bleak but hopeful Polish fable.
All in Review
Girl on the Third Floor is a goopy good time with a surprisingly feminist script.
Are You Afraid of the Dark? is back! Join Troy and Erin as they take a break from the original show to visit the new series!
AHS 1984 “Red Dawn” gives us an ending worthy of a slasher series.
Gwen is a slow burn dissolution of a family and a treatise on the horrors of progress.
Premiering on Hulu, Little Monsters is a delightful comedy about putting on a brave face in front of overwhelming adversity.
Replace Combines Body Horror and Psychological Thrills to Mixed Results.
At the Midnight Society, Troy and Erin take a look at S1E12 “The Tale of the Prom Queen”!
Chad Crawford Kinkle is back with his sophomore feature Dementer and it feels cut from the same cloth as Jug Face.
Joe Begos is two for two this year and Fangoria has another win.
The Death of Dick Long is an odd one that…well I’m not sure how I feel about.
I really enjoyed The Shed, I just wish it had more to say about friendships that typical tropes.
At the Midnight Society, Troy and Erin take a look at S1E11 “The Tale of the Dark Music”!